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Most v2 APIs for listing resources accept a filter string. A filter can be built of sub filters joined by the logical AND and OR operators, each sub filter is a field or precedence group followed by an operator followed by a value. A sub filter may have a prefix of the logical NOT operator. One or more sub filters can be grouped with the precedence operators. The sub filters in a precedence grouping are evaluated to a result before evaluating the rest of the filter. Precedence groups can be nested.

Use single quotes (') to surround strings. Dates used in filters are accepted in RFC3339 format such as "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00", "2006-01-02T15:04:05" or "2006-01-02". A filter is provided as a query parameter like: co 'foo' or name co 'bar'. Filter strings can be constructed using the operations here:

eqIs Equal Toname eq 'foo'
neNot Equal Toname ne 'foo'
coContainsname co 'Bar'
icoContains (Case-Insensitive)name ne 'bar'
ncDoes Not Containname nc 'Bar'
incDoes Not Contain (Case-Insensitive)name inc 'bar'
ltLess Thanscore lt 10
leLess Than Or Equal Toscore le 10
gtGreater Thanscore gt 10
geGreater Than Or Equal Toscore ge 10
andLogical ANDscore eq 10 and name eq 'foo'
orLogical ORscore eq 10 or score eq 10
notLogical NOTnot score eq 10
( )Precedence(score lt 100 and score gt 10) or name eq 'foo'