Area Fill
You can supply a gradient to the line fill props
<AreaFillaxis={axis}label="Area fill"width={width}left={0}height={200}line={{...line,fill: {fill: {gradientTransform: 'rotate(90)',stops: [{ offset: "5%", stopColor: theme.brightBlue700 },{ offset: "95%", stopColor: theme.brightBlue300, stopOpacity: 0 },],},show: true,}}}data={data} />
import {AreaFill,Base,defaultAxis as axis,LineProps,useWidth,Axis,} from 'cl-react-graph;import { curveCatmullRom } from 'd3-shape';const axis: Axes = {x: {dateFormat: '',height: 20,label: '',margin: 20,numberFormat: '',scale: 'linear',tickSize: 0,width: 50,},y: {dateFormat: '',height: 20,label: '',margin: 20,numberFormat: '',scale: 'linear',tickSize: 20,width: 50,},};const data = [{ x: 0, y: 0 },{ x: 10, y: 20 },{ x: 20, y: 10 },{ x: 30, y: 60 },]const line: LineProps = {curveType: curveCatmullRom,fill: {fill: 'hsla(208, 69%, 66%, 1)',show: true,},show: true,stroke: '#000',strokeDashArray: '0',strokeDashOffset: 0,}const MyComponent = () => {const [ref, width] = useWidth('90%');return(<div ref={ref}><Basewidth={width}height={220}><AreaFillaxis={axis}label="Area fill"width={width}left={0}height={200}line={line}data={data} /></Base></div>)};